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im a InfluensterI blogger review blogger I love to show what I get for free and share it

Friday, April 15, 2016

 This product is awesome. I feel like most facial lotion or moistures I use make my face feel greasy after they dry. to test this product I put my normal moistures on the right side of my face and I put  #LaFioreRosa on the other side of my face. After  about an hour I noticed the crease of my nose was becoming greasy on the right. the left side was dry. I was very pleased with the product. the next day I used it on my entire face and still no grease! If you have the same issue I have with lotions and moistures I highly recommend giving this one A try. The only  con with this product is I did  have some difficulty squirting it out. I found that if you turn the bottom upside down and press the nozzle it works great. I also store the product upside down now and have not had an issues since than. Maybe I missed the memo about how to use this type of nozzle. I was lucky enough to received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review.

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